Senior Class 2019-2020
This is the Senior Class Section of our website. Our teacher is Mr. Ormsby. Keep up to date here with all that we are doing.
Our September Harvest
We had great fun returning to school and harvesting all our vegetables from our Veg Garden. We made some lovely homemade soup and chips!
Google Slides Geography Projects
As part of our SESE this year we focused on County Clare and the Burren area. We then worked in groups to create our own presentations using Google Slides. We hope you like our work.
The children in the senior room were introduced to using iPads to support their Literacy...check out our trailer for 'When the Teachers Away the Children Will Play'.
We will be using this app together with Book Creator with our genre writing over the next few weeks.
World Book Day 7th March 2019
We had great fun dressing up for World Book Day....check out our Events Page
GSuite for Education
The children have created Acrostic Poems using Google Slides, one of the Google Apps for Education. They all worked on the same file at the exact same time from their own was very interesting to watch!!
Brikz for Kidz Workshop
Brikz for Kidz Workshop
On Tuesday 5th March the senior class visited the Museum of Country Life, Turlough as part of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) Week. Our focus was on the creation of Windmills and the importance of renewable energy.
Science in the Senior Room
Science in the Senior Room
The boys and girls in the senior room have been busy measuring all the sugar that we drink in everyday fizzy drinks. Did you know that there is 53 grammes of sugar in a 500ml bottle of Coca Cola....check out our display in school.