The story of Dunamona Castle is recorded by the pupils of fifth and sixth class - click on play button below.
The story of Dunamona Castle is recorded here by the pupils of fifth and sixth class in Holy Angels NS.
This story of Donamona Castle was told by Mrs Taffy at the age of 85 and recorded by Micheál O'Gealbháin, teacher in January 1939. The castle is situated on the road from Belcarra to Tuam via Hollymount. The castle is in the parish of Balla (the ancient parish of Drum).
Donamona Castle - Dúchas link
Donamona Castle is now a ruin, one end wall only remains any way sound: and even in this wall is a big round hole near the top.
The Binghams lived here once in a day, whoever came before or after the. These Binghams were the blackest tyrants in Connaught. They used to give the poor people a mock trial in Dunamona Castle and hang them in Gallows Hill - Belcarra Catholic Church is build on Gallows Hill - that's the name the place is called yet.
More than 100 years ago a noted family of sheep-stealers made the old broken down Castle their head quarters. They robbed far and near. At last they were captured by the soldiers and transported for life.
You know the big round hole at the top of the standing wall. Well, the Races of Castlebar, the England were running for their lives and the French hot foot after them. The French were nearly up to them at ____ but the farthest back of the English turned to keep the Frenchmen back. And they had a little battle. Twas no great things of a battle for though they shot a few Frenchmen, the English were not long taking to their heels again.
The Frenchmen were buried where they fell and the place is called French Hill ever since - the place where the Monument is now.
Well, at Donamona the French could see them again and they began firing cannon at them. One of the cannon balls hit the wall of the old castle and put that big hole in it. Twas a great wall when they didn't knock any more of it. They were great builders in the old times.
You may say it.